Career navigation
Step by Step
We assist teenagers in navigating the array of professional roles and industries and in crafting a compelling and individualized application for university admission.
We live in a world where some professions disappear, while others appear very quickly. At Step by Step, we strive to give students not so much the skill of "choosing a profession", but the ability to construct their career based on their own interests and talents.
Prepare for a flexible career path in the future
where radial lines are industries, circular ones represent leading types of the child's activities, and their intersection points are specific professions.

Through extracurricular activities, the student gets 3-5 activity trials in the most interesting professional roles for them, and as a result, they select one corresponding to the first professional role after completing university.
the "Career Map"
To identify interest in a role within an industry, we use a unique tool
Learning through experience
Task setting before each event
A conversation with a tutor before each event is an opportunity to prepare for the upcoming experience. The student has the opportunity to formulate their goals and expected learning outcomes, to familiarize themselves with the academic content, topics, and issues they will encounter "in the field".
The educational event
Offline events form the core of the extracurricular program. We select offline activities in any geography. Regardless of which city the student is currently residing in, we'll find a way to organize their real experience in that place. We offer trusted accompanying individuals.
Reflection on the received experience
The educational experience becomes meaningful through reflection. The right questions from the tutor help the teenager gain self-knowledge. Discovering and developing their passion, interest, motivation is the main result of all the educational events in the extracurricular program.
An extracurricular program is not just a set of interesting events or assignments
It consists of inspiring educational events that:
Are designed sequentially and interrelated with each other
Are based on the child's interests
Lead to the achievement of the set educational goal
Проектируются последо-вательно и взаимосвязано друг с другом
Exhibition, conference
For a sequential immersion into the subject, an individual program is built from two types of events:
Study of existing content
Master Class
Simulation game
Job Shadowing
Volunteering (Service Learning)
Self-created content
Educational course
Research project
Creating media content
Strong motivation letter without fluff and false facts
Upon the completion of the activity trials, we create a portfolio that will help stand out among other university applicants.
A diverse experience from which events can be selected for a specific university program
Logical description of the experience with gradual deepening of knowledge
It all depends on the child's location, but most often we can offer a trusted companion.
Would you like to get an individual plan for extracurricular events?
Submit a request, we will consult you
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